Atlanta Property Management Blog

Electric Vehicle Charging: The Future of Rental Properties

System - Sunday, February 12, 2023

The future of rental properties is being revolutionized by electric vehicle charging. As electric cars become more popular, rental properties are beginning to adapt to meet the needs of tenants who own electric vehicles. By providing electric vehicle charging stations, rental properties can not only attract new tenants, but also help the environment by reducing emissions. Electric vehicle charging stations are becoming increasingly common in residential and commercial properties across the country, offering renters a convenient and environmentally-friendly way to charge their vehicles. By investing in electric vehicle charging, rental properties can provide a valuable service to their tenants and help reduce their environmental footprint.

Electric Vehicle Charging: The Future of Rental Properties

The future of rental properties is being revolutionized by electric vehicle charging. As electric cars become more popular, rental properties are beginning to adapt to meet the needs of tenants who own electric vehicles. By providing electric vehicle charging stations, rental properties can not only attract new tenants, but also help the environment by reducing emissions. Electric vehicle charging stations are becoming increasingly common in residential and commercial properties across the country, offering renters a convenient and environmentally-friendly way to charge their vehicles. By investing in electric vehicle charging, rental properties can provide a valuable service to their tenants and help reduce their environmental footprint.

Benefits of Electric Vehicle Charging for Rental Properties

The benefits of electric vehicle charging for rental properties are numerous. Not only can it attract new tenants, but it can also help to reduce the carbon footprint of the rental property. Additionally, it can provide a great service to tenants who own electric vehicles, allowing them to charge their vehicles while they are at home or work. Electric vehicle charging can also help to reduce the amount of time tenants have to spend at gas stations, as they can charge their vehicles while they are at home or work.

The installation of electric vehicle charging stations also has other benefits for rental properties. For example, it can help to increase the value of the property, as potential tenants will view the property as modern and up-to-date with current trends. Additionally, the installation of electric vehicle charging stations can help to reduce the amount of energy used by the property, as tenants will be able to charge their vehicles more efficiently.

Finally, electric vehicle charging can help to reduce the cost of utilities for the rental property. By charging vehicles more efficiently, tenants will be able to reduce their energy consumption, which can result in lower utility bills for the rental property. This can help to increase the overall profitability of the rental property.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Considerations

When considering the installation of electric vehicle charging stations at a rental property, there are a few important factors to consider. The first is the location of the charging station. It is important to make sure that the station is located in a convenient location that is easily accessible to tenants. It should also be located in a safe and secure area, away from potential hazards such as falling branches or other objects that could cause harm.

The next factor to consider is the type of charging station to install. There are several different types of electric vehicle charging stations available, including Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 charging stations. Level 1 charging stations are the most basic and are typically used for overnight charging. Level 2 charging stations are more powerful and are typically used for faster charging. Level 3 charging stations are the most powerful and can charge vehicles in just minutes.

It is also important to consider the power source for the charging station. The power source can be either direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC). DC charging stations are typically more powerful and are better suited for faster charging. However, AC charging stations are typically cheaper and easier to install.

Finally, it is important to consider the safety features of the charging station. All charging stations should be equipped with the necessary safety features to protect both tenants and the property. These can include surge protectors, circuit breakers, and ground fault circuit interrupters.

How to Install an Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Once the location, type, and power source of the charging station have been determined, the installation process can begin. The installation process will vary depending on the type and power source of the charging station. Most charging stations will require an electrical connection to be installed. This connection can be either a dedicated circuit or a shared circuit. If a dedicated circuit is installed, it should be done by a licensed electrician to ensure that the installation meets local safety codes.

Once the electrical connection is installed, the charging station can be connected to the power source. It is important to make sure that the power source is compatible with the charging station. Additionally, the charging station should be installed in an area that is not exposed to the elements, such as direct sunlight or rain. This will help to ensure that the charging station functions properly and is safe to use.

Finally, the charging station should be tested to make sure that it is operating correctly. This can be done by plugging in a compatible electric vehicle and testing the charging process. If the charging station is operating correctly, it can then be used by tenants.

Cost of Electric Vehicle Charging

The cost of installing an electric vehicle charging station at a rental property will vary depending on the type of station and the power source. Level 1 charging stations are typically the least expensive and can cost as little as $100. Level 2 charging stations are more expensive and can cost between $500 and $1,000. Level 3 charging stations are the most expensive and can cost upwards of $2,000.

In addition to the cost of the charging station, there may also be additional costs associated with the installation. These can include installation fees, permits, and wiring costs. Additionally, there may be ongoing costs associated with the charging station, such as electricity and maintenance.

The Future of Electric Vehicle Charging

As electric vehicles become more popular, the demand for electric vehicle charging stations is only going to increase. As such, rental properties should begin to invest in electric vehicle charging now in order to remain competitive in the future. Additionally, rental properties should consider investing in the latest charging technology, such as fast-charging and wireless charging, in order to provide the best service to their tenants.

The future of electric vehicle charging is likely to involve the integration of charging into the property’s existing infrastructure. This means that the charging stations will be connected to the property’s power source, allowing for more efficient charging. Additionally, there may be the integration of smart technology, allowing tenants to control and monitor their charging from their phones or other devices.

Electric Vehicle Charging Incentives for Landlords

In order to encourage landlords to invest in electric vehicle charging, there are a number of incentives available. These incentives can include tax credits, grants, and rebates. Additionally, some utilities may offer discounted rates for electric vehicle charging. It is important to research the various incentives available in order to take advantage of the ones that are most beneficial.

Different Types of Electric Vehicle Charging

There are several different types of electric vehicle charging available. The most common type is Level 1 charging, which is typically used for overnight charging. Level 2 charging is more powerful and is typically used for faster charging. Level 3 charging is the most powerful and can charge vehicles in just minutes. Additionally, there is wireless charging, which allows vehicles to be charged without having to plug them in.

Tips for Marketing Electric Vehicle Charging

Once a rental property has invested in electric vehicle charging, it is important to market it in order to attract new tenants. One way to do this is to advertise the availability of electric vehicle charging on the property’s website and social media pages. Additionally, the property can offer discounts to tenants who own electric vehicles in order to encourage them to use the charging station.

Finally, it is important to make sure that the charging station is easy to use for tenants. This can include providing clear instructions on how to use the station, as well as providing a contact number for tenants to call in case of any issues. By making the charging station easy to use, tenants will be more likely to use it.


As electric vehicles become more popular, rental properties should begin to invest in electric vehicle charging. By providing electric vehicle charging stations, rental properties can not only attract new tenants, but also help the environment by reducing emissions. Additionally, electric vehicle charging can help to reduce the cost of utilities for the rental property, as tenants will be able to charge their vehicles more efficiently. There are a number of incentives available for landlords who invest in electric vehicle charging, including tax credits, grants, and rebates. Finally, it is important to market the availability of electric vehicle charging in order to attract new tenants. By investing in electric vehicle charging, rental properties can provide a valuable service to their tenants and help reduce their environmental footprint.